20 Insider Tips for the Best Website Design – Essential for Startups in 2024!

Written By Damien Buxton

On 6 May, 2024
In this article, I'll share 20 of the best website design ideas to help you create a site that stands out, even if it's your first time building one.
best website design tips for startup businesses in 2024 by Midas Creative

Starting a new business is like embarking on an adventure, full of excitement and a bit of uncertainty.

A crucial step is having a website that makes people go, “Wow, I want to know more about this!”

We’ve been doing this by helping startups for almost 20 years creating the best website designs, and we’ve seen what works and what doesn’t.

Grab a cuppa and lets dive in!

1) Best Website Design Practices For 2024

When you set out to build your website, it’s like planning a road trip.

You need a destination.

Before we talk design, let’s get clear on what your website is for.

Are you selling products on an online store, offering services, or sharing information?

If you’re unsure, imagine you’re telling a friend what your business does. That’s usually a good starting point.

When you work with a website design company, they should ask you lots of questions, these are there to help you refine your thoughts. 

Also so you start to understand exactly what you want the website to do.

Here are some common web development questions you’ll probably get asked:

Before you engage with a website design company, it’s a good idea to think about the below and make some notes.

Being prepared will help you focus on what design elements the site will need and also focus your mind on what you need to do to get the business up and running.

What’s Your Business All About? In a few words, what’s the main idea behind your business? What’s your industry or niche?

What’s the Primary Purpose of Your Website? Are you looking to sell products, provide information, attract new leads, or something else entirely?

Who’s Your Ideal Customer?
Describe your target audience. What are their age, gender, interests, and what problems are they looking to solve?

What Makes Your Business Unique? What sets you apart from competitors? Is it your products, services, customer service, or something else?

What Design Style Appeals to You? Do you prefer a sleek, modern look or something more traditional and cosy? Any colours or themes you want to avoid?

Do You Have a Brand Identity? Do you have a logo, colour scheme, font, or style guide that needs to be incorporated into the design?

What’s Your Budget and Timeline? How much can you invest in your website, and do you have a specific deadline for its launch?

What Kind of Content Will You Have? Will you need blog posts, videos, product descriptions, or other types of content on your site?

How Do You Want Users to Interact with Your Website? Should they buy products, contact you, sign up for a newsletter, or something else? What are the key actions you want them to take?

Which Websites Inspire You? Are there any websites you really like? What do you like about them, and would you like something similar for your own site?

How Often Will You Update the Website? Will you be updating content regularly, or will it be more static? Do you need a content management system (CMS)?

Do You Have a Social Media Presence? Which social media platforms are you on, and do you want links or integration with those platforms on your website?

What Level of SEO Are You Interested In? Are you looking to optimise your site for search engines, or is that something you’re not focusing on yet?

Do You Need E-commerce Features? Will you be selling products or services online? If so, what kind of e-commerce functionality do you need?

How Important Is Accessibility? Do you need your website to be accessible to people with disabilities? What steps are you taking to ensure this?

What Are Your Must-Have Features? Are there specific features you need on your website, like a booking system, live chat, or contact forms?

What’s Your Preferred Hosting Solution? Do you have a hosting service in mind, or do you need recommendations?

How Will You Handle Customer Support? Will you need customer support features, like FAQs, a support ticket system, or live chat?

What’s Your Long-Term Plan for the Website? Do you see your website evolving? Are there additional features you might want to add later?

Who Will Be Maintaining the Website? Will you maintain the content yourself? Who will take care of the security, maintenance and general upkeep of the website?

By answering the above you’ll be in good shape to start working with a web developer and get a new website created.

Keep Your Website Design Focused

One of our startup clients, a new takeaway shop with an inside restaurant, initially wanted a website that was everything to everyone: café info, recipes, reviews, blogs—the whole nine yards. 

It was a bit much.

They were going to be busy making food, attending to customers and the general running of the business.

We knew that although the idea of having all this on the website would be great, in reality, they simply wouldn’t have the time themselves to do it or the budget to begin with to get someone else to.

We simplified the site to focus on their main goal—getting people through the door. The result? More visitors and less confusion.

A pro tip here is not to over-stretch yourself to begin with. Be realistic about what you can and can’t do on a regular basis. 

There is no point in having a recipe or blog section, that only has one or two posts a year.

2) Knowing Your Audience

Next up is figuring out who you’re talking to.

Is your target audience young professionals? Parents? Students?

Knowing this helps you design a site that speaks their language. It’s like choosing the right playlist for a party – you need to know your crowd.

Think about what you offer and more importantly who you offer it to. 

Don’t just think “Oh that new web design trend looks amazing, I’ll use those ideas”, focus on the end-user and not what you want.

We recently designed an ecommerce website for a local high-end country clothing store, they wanted their page design extremely modern with an overly minimalist design. 

We helped them figure out that their audience was probably middle-aged and had certain criteria that they wanted to buy from companies that showcased quality and heritage over flashy editorial style design. 

The outcome is a modern beautiful website with a heavy slant towards true craftsmanship bringing in classic countryside elements.

Always play to your audience!

Best website design showing how a website design company produces websites specifically for its intended audience

Creating Personas Will Give You Design Inspiration

A great way to get into your audience’s shoes is by creating buyer personas.

Think about your ideal customer and write a mini bio: age, job, interests, and what they look for in a business.

You need to try and delve a little deeper than you would normally think.

For example, let’s say that you run a women’s physical clothing store and you proceed to make the website for your business.

Women are your target audience, but by looking a bit closer you can segment your potential users into certain groups.

Here are a few ideas of buyer personas based on the above example:

Trendy Tia

  • Age: 24
  • Job: Social media influencer
  • Interests: Fashion trends, influencer culture, event appearances
  • Style: Bold and experimental, loves trying new looks, often inspired by fashion magazines and social media trends
  • Shopping Habits: Shops online frequently, uses Instagram for style inspiration, appreciates clear product images and detailed size guides
  • Preferences: Easy-to-navigate websites, quick checkout, prominent social media links for easy sharing
  • Social Media: Very active on Instagram and TikTok, she follows top fashion influencers

Comfort-Centric Cathy

  • Age: 38
  • Job: Stay-at-home mum
  • Interests: Family time, casual comfort, managing a busy household
  • Style: Casual and comfortable, loves easy-to-wear pieces that work for everyday activities
  • Shopping Habits: Prefers online shopping for convenience, values affordable pricing and easy returns, seeks out deals and promotions
  • Preferences: User-friendly websites, simple navigation, clear return policies, and flexible payment options
  • Social Media: Active on Facebook, connects with other mums in local groups, often looks for clothing recommendations from friends

Buyer personas are incredibly useful to understand your audience, they can guide the visual design, focus you on the type of content for the site, improve your marketing strategies and enhance your customer’s experience.

When we designed a site for a new gym in 2023, we created personas like “Fitness Fiona,” a 30-something mum who wants a quick workout during her lunch break.

This helped us create a responsive design, that seamlessly worked on mobile devices. We knew that Fiona would be busy with the kids so she would need easy access on the go as she wouldn’t be spending loads of time on a desktop. 

We also used design principles and content to resonate with Fiona, with certain pages dedicated to showing the ease of how Fiona could use the gym and the benefits it would make to her life.

3) Choosing the Perfect Domain Name

Your domain name is your website’s address.

You want something memorable, easy to spell, and not too long.

It’s like naming a new pet—you wouldn’t call a cat “Sir Fluffington the Third,” would you?

Keep it simple.

Tips for a Great Domain Is One Of The Best Website Design Starting Points

A good domain name should reflect your business.

Use your brand name, if possible, and avoid hyphens or numbers (they can be confusing).

When you think of a URL, do your homework and do some searches online to see if there are other companies with the same or similar names. Also, check out social media to see if there are other companies that are using them too. 

We’ve seen it before, someone buys .co.uk and then realises that another company already has the .com and they both offer the same type of services. Which is the correct one if someone searches?

In the past we have worked with a tech startup, they wanted a quirky name, but it was so hard to spell that people kept getting it wrong.

We suggested something simpler, and it made a huge difference.

4) Clean and Simple Design Is A No Brainer For The Best Website

Let’s talk design.

A clean, simple website is like a tidy room – it’s inviting and easy to navigate. 

Too much clutter won’t win you any design awards, and visitors will get overwhelmed.

Keep your design minimal, with plenty of white space, and you’ll be on the right track.

Great website design is all about getting your message across quickly and having that message impact your visitors and offer a solution or address a want or need. 

Many of the award-winning websites such as Apple iPhone, focus just on their products, the benefits with amazing pictures and importantly they have a very clean website.

Look at some design examples online of some brand leaders and I’m sure you will get some website design inspiration.

The Power of White Space Creating A Clean Website Is A Great Design Idea

White space is your friend.

It doesn’t mean your website has to be boring, but it gives your content room to breathe.

A great way to create the best web design is to ask a simple question after each piece of potential web content. 

Looking at your homepage design as an example, read the text, if you can ask yourself “So what?” at the end of each section and it brings no benefit to the user then that section may need removing.

It’s a quick way to easily remove useless elements and create the best-designed pages.

best website design showing a simple but effective website that uses white space to create a dramatic effect

5) Effective Websites All Have Responsive Layouts

In today’s mobile world, your website needs to look good on every device.

Responsive web design adapts to different screen sizes, whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

If your website isn’t responsive, it’s like inviting guests to a party but not having enough chairs—they won’t stick around for long.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re using a website builder yourself or employing a web design company, your business website MUST be responsive and work on all device screens. 

Web Designs Should Always Be Tested On Multiple Devices

When we build websites, we always test them on different devices to make sure they look great everywhere.

It’s a simple step, but you’d be surprised how many people skip it.

If you’re working with a web designer, ask them about responsiveness and ensure they test on multiple devices.

You probably know that your website is one of the first things that people will use to interact with your business.

Not only do the design features need to hit home and be an engaging website for them to use, but if your site isn’t optimised for devices and can’t be easily used, people won’t see it as a professional website and click the back button. 

6) The Best Designed Websites Have Easy Navigation

Think of your website’s navigation like a roadmap. If it’s clear and straightforward, people will find their way around without getting lost.

If it’s complicated, they’ll get frustrated and leave.

Try and only stick to one or two sub-menus off the main navigation. 

Clean design and simple navigation are your best friend.

Tips for Simple Navigation

Keep your menu simple and easy to understand.

Use clear labels and limit the number of items.

When we designed a portfolio website for one of our construction clients, they had a heavy focus on adding ‘projects and case studies’ to their site. 

Their initial thought was to have a ‘portfolio’ in the main navigation. The sub-menu would then list the sectors, they had 15 sectors – way too much. 

We explained to them they only needed to have the main portfolio listed within the navigation.

When a user got to that web page there was a filter allowing them to refine by sector, it was a simple digital design element but the simple design makes the navigation much easier to digest.

7) Fast Page Load Times Is Just A Design Trend

Slow websites are a deal-breaker.

If your pages take forever to load, visitors will leave before they even see what you’ve got.

Optimise images, minimise scripts and use caching to keep things speedy.

There are lots of online tool to check your website speed for free such as Pingdom, GTmetrix and PageSpeed Insights.

How to Speed Things Up

This is a tricky one as some of it can just depend on the code and how the website is built, however, there are some general rules when trying to speed up your website’s load speed:

  • Compress Images: Use smaller, compressed image files to reduce load times. JPEG for photos, PNG for graphics with transparency.
  • Reduce Scripts and Plugins: Keep only essential scripts and plugins, and combine/minify JavaScript and CSS to lower HTTP requests.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN stores website copies across global servers, providing faster access to visitors.
  • Enable Browser Caching: Cache parts of your website in visitors’ browsers to reduce the need for repeat downloads.
  • Use Lazy Loading: Load images and videos only when they’re visible to users, speeding up the initial page load.
  • Opt for Fast Hosting: Choose a hosting provider with good server resources and upgrade to a faster plan if needed.
  • Minimise Redirects: Limit redirects to essential ones, as they add delays to page load times.
  • Optimise Databases: Clean up and index your database to reduce server load and improve query response times.

Many of these tasks may be beyond most website owners and if you have a slow laggy website then it’s probably time to get the professionals in to take a look and advise you.

best website design by Midas Creative showing that a website that is fast will encurage more engagement

8) High-Quality Imagery Will Create A Beautiful Website

Images can make or break your website.

High-quality images add visual appeal and help tell your story.

Whether you’re using photos of your products or stock images, make sure they’re crisp and professional.

You can use many of the stock image sites to purchase images but they won’t achieve the dynamic website that you’re after. 

Budget And Invest in Professional Photography As Part Of The Design Process

We always recommend investing in professional photography when possible.

It adds a personal touch and makes your website unique.

When we built a site for a bridal boutique, they decided to use their own photos to begin with. They were a startup business and they didn’t have the funds right away to pay for a photographer for their physical store.

We used the images they had and the professional ones supplied by their dress designers and the website looked great.

Six months later they then had a professional photoshoot.

The difference was night and day.

Professional photos gave the site a polished look that improved its conversion rates significantly.

As their potential buyers were expected to pay more than £5k on a dress, they expected that perfect look, they weren’t just buying a dress they were buying a dream dress!  

9) Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

A call-to-action is like a guidepost—it tells visitors what to do next.

Whether it’s “Buy Now,” “Contact Us,” or “Learn More,” make sure your CTAs are clear and easy to find.

Making CTAs Stand Out

Use contrasting colours and bold fonts to make your CTAs pop.

Place them in strategic locations where visitors are most likely to see them.

CTAs are extremely powerful and should be placed in sections where you want the user to perform the action you intend.

We have seen way too many sites with web pages that simply don’t have any actionable elements, they expect a person to read the wording and then make the connection to go to a contact form or find a phone number and get in touch. 

Bringing CTAs into your site’s design helps a lot, it is one of the best features you can easily add. 

A few basic best examples of web design that uses CTAs effectively would be as follows: 

  • Get Your Free Quote Now – getting someone to fill in a contact form
  • 10% Off Your First Purchase – asking for someone’s email address to send them a discount code

Look at some major national websites on the internet and draw inspiration from them.  Analyse what buttons or actions they want you to take and look at how prominent they are placed. 

10) Informative Content

Content is the heart of your website. You’ve heard it before but “content is King”.

It’s what keeps visitors engaged and encourages them to return.

Provide valuable information through blog posts, product descriptions, or service explanations to give visitors a reason to stay.

When in the development and design stages of your website don’t overlook the content and wording and just focus on the look and feel.

An effective website will have content that draws the audience in. Not only that but engaging well-written content is at the heart of your search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts.

For one website that we worked on, the client was adamant that they wanted just pictures and a few lines of text on each page. We explained more than once it would hurt their SEO and wouldn’t do anything to help a search engine, or users.

After much debate and education, the design showcased lots of images as requested but also had more informative and helpful text.

The message to the story here is you want your website to work as hard for you as possible. Don’t leave the content as a second thought. 

You want your website online that works for you 24/7!

Content Ideas for Startups

The reason we mention startups specifically is you won’t have any content or wording and it will need writing from scratch.  

Think about what your audience wants to know.

Are they interested in how-to guides, industry news, or customer stories?

When we built a website for a new skincare startup, we suggested creating blog posts about skincare tips and routines. It not only engaged their audience but also boosted their SEO.

Here are a few tips for great content:

  1. Engaging and Relatable: Write as if you’re chatting with a friend. Keep it light, friendly, and directly relevant to your audience’s interests and needs.
  2. Clear and Concise: Get to the point quickly. Your visitors are here for a good time, not a long time. Make your content easy to scan with headlines, bullet points, and short paragraphs.
  3. Informative and Useful: Pack your content with value. Whether it’s a tutorial, a piece of advice, or industry insights, make sure your readers walk away with something.
  4. Visually Appealing: A picture says a thousand words, right? Include images, videos, and infographics that complement and break up your text.
  5. Consistently Fresh: Keep your content updated and release new posts regularly. It keeps your site dynamic and gives visitors a reason to come back.
  6. Optimised for SEO: Use relevant keywords naturally within your text to help boost your site’s visibility in search results.
  7. Action-Oriented: Always include a clear call to action. Tell your readers what you want them to do next, whether it’s to read another article, sign up for a newsletter, or check out a product.
  8. Authentic Voice: Let your brand’s personality shine through. It helps build a connection with your audience and sets you apart from the competition.
  9. Accessible to All: Make sure your content is easy to understand and accessible to people with disabilities, which enhances user experience and broadens your audience.
  10. Backed by Data: When you make claims, back them up with data or case studies. It adds credibility and authority to your content, reassuring your audience that they can trust you.

The website uses will direct the type of content that it has but regardless of the design project in hand, if it doesn’t follow the above then look to rewrite it.

best website design showing that content is king on a website

11) SEO Best Practices

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) helps your website get found on Google and other search engines.

It’s a bit like setting up a signpost on the road—you want people to find you easily.

Use relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and proper heading structures to improve visibility.

SEO isn’t just about cramming in loads of keywords on your website, in fact, Google and other search engines look at more than your website alone when deciding to rank it.

The ever-evolving landscape of website design specifically SEO is one of the harder concepts to get right when trying to build a successful site. 

Basic SEO Tips

When it comes to SEO, focus on quality content and relevant keywords.

Don’t overstuff your pages with keywords—it can actually hurt your ranking.

Here are some basic SEO concepts to be mindful of:

If you’re serious about SEO and its impact on your business here are a few areas to look at:

Keyword Research: Know your words! Identify keywords that your target audience is searching for and sprinkle them naturally throughout your content.

Quality Content: Keep it top-notch. High-quality, relevant content that engages readers tends to rank higher in search results.

Mobile Optimisation: Make it super easy on smartphones. With most searches done on mobile, your site must look good and work well on all devices.

Page Load Speed: Speed it up! Ensure your site loads quickly to improve user experience and boost your SEO ranking.

Meta Descriptions and Title Tags: Craft them carefully. These elements not only tell search engines what your page is about but also entice users to click.

Internal Linking: Connect the dots within your site. It helps search engines understand your site structure, and keeps visitors engaged longer.

Backlinking: Get reputable sites to link to you. Quality backlinks are like votes of confidence that boost your site’s credibility and search engine ranking.

Regular Updates: Keep it fresh. Regular updates signal to search engines that your site is active and relevant, boosting its visibility.

Local SEO: Target your locals. Optimize your site for local search terms and use Google My Business to attract nearby customers.

Alt Text for Images: Describe your visuals. This not only aids accessibility but also gives search engines more content to index.

With SEO it’s complex and ever-changing, this is one area that I would suggest that you get in the professionals.

12) Accessibility Matters

Your website should be accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities.

This means using alt text for images, providing captions for videos, and ensuring your site is navigable by screen readers.

Designing for Accessibility

Accessibility is essential, not just for compliance but also for creating an inclusive experience.

We have worked on many sites for non-profits, in particular, one site that we developed was for a children’s organisation. 

It focused towards helping younger kids who had experienced an issue in life that caused them various behavioural problems.    

The site was created for their parents and carers, however, certain parts of the website were dedicated to this young audience.

The design was bright and very easy for them to understand, the text was written specifically for them in mind.

The images on the site were friendly and positive and helped them to try and get a sense that the process would be fun and for them not to be scared.

13) Integrating Social Media

Social media is a great way to connect with your audience and drive traffic to your website.

Include social media links on your site to encourage sharing and build your online presence.

Finding the Right Balance

While social media integration is essential, don’t go overboard with too many icons or widgets.

Keep it simple and choose the platforms that are most relevant to your audience.

As a related note, don’t over-stretch yourself with too many social media accounts to handle. 

If you can’t post regularly then there isn’t much point in having a social media account.

Why would someone what to go to your socials if there is nothing there of interest for them???

14) Including Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials and reviews are powerful tools for building trust.

Think of them as a friend recommending your products and services. 

They act as social proof, showing that other people have had a positive experience with your business.

There are tonnes of research into the subject of the effectiveness of reviews.

Let’s just say that reviews about your business and on your website are like gold dust!

Collecting Testimonials

When we worked with a jewellery store, they weren’t sure how to get testimonials. 

We suggested reaching out to satisfied customers and asking for their feedback.

Also, we helped them develop two ways to encourage reviews. 

Firstly we created a promotional offer, any customer who left an honest review would be entered into a drawer to win an iPad. 

The second was a rewards program, in addition to the points they generated from every purchase, we created a bonus offer of additional points added to their account if a review was left on their website.

Including these testimonials on their website added credibility and helped convert more visitors into customers.

A key point to remember is to always try to reward a customer for giving you a review. Their time, like yours, is precious. 

A final thought on this is negative reviews on platforms that you can’t control such as Google Business Places or TrustPilot. 

If you get a less-than-positive review online, always respond positively and helpfully, remember that all can see what you put. 

Don’t get confrontational and play the ‘blame game’ – it looks bad on you.

best website design showcasing the importance of reviews, the picture shows 5 star testimonials

15) Contact Information

Your website should make it easy for visitors to contact you.

Include a contact form, email address, phone number, and physical address if you have one.

This builds trust and makes it easier for customers to reach out.

We’ve all been there, having a problem with a company and want to get a solution. You scour their website and can’t see how to get in touch. It’s very frustrating and not a great customer experience. 

Making Contact Easy

When we designed a website for a new consultancy, they had hidden their contact information at the bottom of the page like they didn’t want potential clients to contact them! 

We moved it to the top and added a simple contact form, making it easier for visitors to get in touch. 

In addition to this, we added a live chat option that was manned throughout their office hours. After they closed it allowed customers to use an automated bot for common questions with the ability to send an email if needed.

The response rate improved immediately.

It’s essential to stay compliant with data protection laws. Include a privacy policy, cookie policy, and terms of service to protect your business and users.

Also, ensure that if you operate a great e-commerce store your site collects the correct amount of tax for example. 

We have had one client, based in the US who sells exclusively into that market.

They have to abide by the tax rules of the country, and there are varying taxes due based, on where the customer is located.

It is your job to do your compliance homework!

Depending on where your business operates, different laws will apply.

You will need to know what you should and shouldn’t do. 

For example in the UK, if you want to send promotional email marketing out, you need permission from the recipient that they are happy for you to do this. 

If not, you can get in hot water if you start ‘spamming’ them with unwanted emails.

17) Implementing Analytics Tools

Analytics tools like Google Analytics help you track user behaviour and understand how visitors interact with your site. 

This information is invaluable for making improvements and guiding future updates.

Using Analytics to Improve Your Website

Analytic data from your website is the bedrock of everything.

Without it, you will have no idea what’s working for you and what isn’t.

Use website analytics to:

Understand Your Audience Better: Analytics gives you the data on who’s visiting your site—from where they live to what device they’re using. Like knowing your audience’s favourite drink, this info lets you tailor your content and design to suit their taste perfectly.

Spot Top Content: By looking at which pages snag the most views and keep visitors hooked, you can see what’s striking a chord. Once you know what your audience loves, you can produce more of that content.

Improve User Experience: Analytics highlight your site’s bumpy parts like pages visitors don’t like. Once you know they’re there, you can either remove or improve them.

Boost Your SEO: By keeping tabs on which keywords are bringing people to your site, you can refine your SEO strategy to rank even higher.

Enhance Marketing Strategies: Analytics show you how well your marketing campaigns are performing. Whether it’s social media traffic or responses to email campaigns, you’ll know which efforts are paying off and which are more like a lead balloon.

18) Providing Resources and Downloads

Offering valuable resources such as e-books, guides, or templates is a great way to engage visitors and encourage them to return to your website.

As mentioned previously, rewarding potential customers is a way to build consumer loyalty.

Regardless of your industry, you can always offer them something. 

For example, this blog. It is meant to help you understand the best website design elements and what you should consider when building or improving your website.

Creating Engaging Resources

Think about what your audience would find useful.

Here are a few examples:

Fishing tackle shop – they could offer a guide to improve how to cast better
Bakery – they could supply a ‘deal of the day’ voucher to bring into store to receive a free item
Karaoke bar – could offer song lyrics for them to learn before attending
Ladies fashion store – could offer a latest trends video and what are the must-have items this season

Provide something of use to your audience, it’s a sure-fire way to improve engagement with your brand online

19) Planning for Future Scalability

As your startup grows, your website will need to adapt.

Design with scalability in mind to ensure your site can handle increased traffic and new features without slowing down.

We’ve seen it one too many times, where rouge web designers have built websites without much thought. 

One client, in particular, worked with a freelance designer, they created their site using bespoke code. The website looked great and worked perfectly. 

Fast forward two years later, the designer was no longer around and the website was glitchy and didn’t work well.

It was far easier and cheaper for us to rebuild the site from scratch than trying to unpick their code and fix everything wrong. 

A pro tip when building your new website is to ask your web designer how they are going to build your website. 

Try and ensure that it is built on a well-known platform that has been around for years such as WordPress. 

That way you know the site is future-proof and should your developer go A.W.O.L you will be able to easier find someone else to pick up the reigns with no fuss.

The Future of web design

20) Working with a Professional Web Designer

Building a website can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the process.

Working with a professional web designer can save you time and ensure a high-quality result.

Choose a reputable agency with experience to guide you through the process.

When selecting the best web designer, don’t just choose the cheapest quote offered. There is often a reason that they charge what they do.

On the flip side, if you’re expecting to pay peanuts, what do you think you will get in return?

The Benefits of Professional Assistance

When you work with a professional, you get access to their expertise and resources.

They can help with everything from design to SEO to accessibility.

When we work with startups, we focus on understanding their unique needs and creating a website that reflects their brand and goals.

It’s a collaborative process that leads to a site that truly represents your business.

To ensure you’re getting the best website design, always keep user experience at the forefront. A seamless, intuitive design not only looks good but also performs well, aligning perfectly with the needs of your startup’s target audience.


Creating a successful website for your startup is an exciting journey, but it requires careful planning and attention to detail.

By following these 20 website design ideas, you’ll be on your way to creating a site that not only looks great but also helps your business grow.

If you need further assistance, we’re here to help you build a website that stands out and supports your success.



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